We are proud to announce the Dark Eden Girl Finalists for April '08! These are the first finalists that will be voted on in our new swanky digs in Olive! So if you want to come down and vote for one of the girls (or boi) pop over to Olive! As usual, our finalists submitted both a screenshot and notecard detailing their wonderful outfits. We have one returning dark eden girl finalist, Ocelot Zelmanov, good luck this time! Also we are under a City of Lost Angels blitzkrieg, we got a ton of great entries from CoLA girls and one CoLA boi! It was hard narrowing it down, but of the many CoLA entries, we selected Terry Toland, who I believe is a Supernatural faction GM, Alushee Essex, an angel, was the first guy daring enough to enter this girls' contest, and while I don't think that Jaimie Destiny is officially a member of the Brood demon faction, she did take her picture in the devilishly delightful New Gomorrah sim. There were several other lovely CoLA babes that we simply couldn't fit in this month, I hope you all will enter against next month!
Good luck to all our April finalists!

Alushee is our very first Dark Eden Boi entry! I have always said that if a guy wanted to enter, he'd have to go head to head with the girls, and Alushee has risen to the challenge admirably! Isn't he adorable?
Name: Alushee Essex
Hair: Lucy, from Kin
Tail: from Dragon Keep
Boots: Mistweave Cephalopod From Dark Eden.
Waist. arms and wrists. Cephalopod Skiken Bondage Silver Set.
Wings. Silver eagle wings from Pinion Feathers
Skin: Malice White from SLX
Ears: Made by Me! (Made by Alushee that is)

Jaimie's entry kept it short and sweet:
Hair from Zero style
Skin by Minnu Model
and the outfit from Dark Eden :) (said outfit is the Teeny Primkini set in Bloodrage color)

Hair: Mairi in black by Kin Keiko
Skin: Another Skin by Eloh Eliot, with makeup and modifications by Ocelot Zelmanov
Eyes: Intense Ocean Eyes by Sin Skins
Prim Eyelashes: Fluff by Sin Skins
Tattoo by Ocelot Zelmanov
Pasties: Black Pasties by Dark Eden
Jacket: Pink Latex Jacket by Dark Eden
Skirt: Nu Kua skirt in Midnight by Dark Eden
Shot in studio, high over Hippotropolis, using Second Life Windlight.

Terry was good enough to submit not just what she was wearing but the thought process that went into selecting her very creative look:
I'm a huge fantasy fan and I really wanted to do something original. While I love the disturbing adorable Medb set, I wanted to shine the spotlight on something new. While wandering through the store for inspiration, my eye caught the Shibari set. My gaze went between the coiled ropes and the bound fairies in my outfit before I was caught up with glee- I knew what I was going to shoot! After strapping up and shooting, I'm happy to present my entry, "Bondage Fairy". I used a combination of basic lighting and environmental change to create the atmosphere, and the background is part of the *CWS* Photography System (version 3.0).
This outfit was created with:
- [DE] Shibari Silver Chain set (the primary focus), with some personally modified additions: a 'nice' tag from the White Shibari Tags set group gift added to the top and a mouth-gag made of the same pieces as the Shibari Silver Chain. ((Dark Eden sim))
- Personally modified dragonfly wings, created with parts from the Medb set. ((Dark Eden sim))
- Nomine's Ultralight - Glossy Viridian skin. (((Nomine sim))
- Intense Violent/Obsidian Eyes by *Sin Skins*. ((Sin Skins sim))
- ETD's Lily - Black hair (slightly modified so pieces didn't go into my ears). ((ETD Isle sim))
- Mystic-style jewelry ears in the Fairy style and Natural tones (Tarnished metal and Blush skin used) by *~*Illusions*~* ((Carnivale sim))