The Dark Eden Girl of the Month contest is now entering its third year. We've gone through a lot of changes and we're seeing a lot of fresh faces around the store. Given all that, we thought it would be a good idea to update our rules and post them for all the new Dark Eden Girls out there.
What is this all about?
Its a monthly beauty and fashion contest for fans of Dark Eden now entering its third year.
How do I enter?
• Take a screenshot of yourself in world. MUST be a screenshot, textures will be disqualified.
• Make sure the screenshot is full permissions (mod/copy/transfer) If its not full perms I can't use it, sorry!
• Attach the screenshot to the notecard (just drag and drop it in!)
• Name the notecard - Dark Eden Girl and your name (Dark Eden Girl - Jane Doe)
• Send the notecard to Alexander Stygian at ANY TIME. You do not have to wait for some special notice or time of the month.
How does it work?
Around the middle of the month, we'll convene a meeting of our super secret ultra exclusive FIC-er than FIC panel of judges. These judges will gather up all the entries from the past month and pick our four favorites. After that, the decision is completely out of my hands. I put the four pics up in the store and put a voting machine up. Then your fate is decided by the collective votes of all your fellow Dark Eden Girls (and boys). May the best Dark Eden Girl win!
What do I get?
Aside from satisfaction, glory and envy of your friends, the winner receives A) $2000L B) A gift box filled with the latest Dark Eden products and C) your image will be featured on the Dark Eden Girl wall in the main store in Olive for one month.
How about if I become one of the 4 finalist but don’t win?
To us you’re all winners and will all receive A) $500L and B) a gift box filled with the latest Dark Eden Products.
If I lose or my picture isn't chosen can I enter again?
YES! Sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right. We encourage people to keep trying!
Can guys enter?
YES! But there's no special class for guys. You have to compete with the girls and be sexier, more stylish more hot and tempting and juicy than all the other girls that month! Its a tough thing to ask any guy. So far only one (Alushee Essex) has made it to the finals but we're still waiting on our first official Dark Eden Guy of the Month. It could be you!
Can you give me some advice on what pics work best?
Why we sure can!
Background: This is probably one of the most important things. Make your picture interesting! Staging your picture can make the difference between entering the contest and being chosen as a finalist. Also remember to balance your background with your look. If your have a dark skin, dark clothing and dark hair, you will be lost against a dark background.
What to wear: It’s all about Dark Eden but we want you to be creative and have fun. Mix and match! Shakes things up! Show off your creativity and style! All we ask is that you use at least one Dark Eden product in your picture. You can mix in things from other designers to complement your look. Just remember the whole point is to make Dark Eden and yourself look awesome!
Pose: What looks great inworld in 3-D doesn’t always look the same in 2-D in a picture. Is the pose flattering to you and the clothing? Does it highlight your best attributes?
Lighting: Lighting is important. We want to see you! If your picture is too dark, we can’t see you and neither can the voters.
Nudity: Nudity is neither required nor forbidden. You can pose full nude if you wish as long as you have on at least something from the store. Does not posing nude hold you back? No! In fact a lot of times leaving something to imagination has been a girl's ticket to winning. Your grandmother had a point when she said 'leave them wanting more.'
Photographer: Finally, if you aren't so hot with screenshot taking, its perfectly acceptable for you to get a friend to take the picture for you. The only thing that matters is that its a screenshot and not photoshopped in any way.