Friday, February 1, 2008

NEW from Dark Eden: KANJI SKIRTS

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Dark Eden is proud to present our newest product, the Kanji Skirts! These asymmetrical skirts have a fun japanese kanji print originally intended as part of the Sarubobo set. I liked it so much I wanted to give it its own release.

The skirt has a loose knot wrap tie with chains as detail. In front it has a scripted flap including a texture change script. I put in 11 textures for you, at least one appropriate for each of the seven colors and a few extras. If you want to add your own texture to it, just select edit linked parts, drop the texture into contents, and the script will add it into its rotation.

The seven individual sets are 100L each. Most have three variants: Light body, dark trim, dark body light trim, and faded body, dark trim.

The mega set is 400L and includes all 19 skirt variants in one big pack for your convenience.

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