Friday, May 23, 2008

New @ Dark Eden: Magic Circles Set

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The Magic Circles set are fantasy attachments perfect for roleplayers of demons, wizards, witches, psychics, etc, plus great for a little punch up to a more traditional outfit.

The set consists of seven wheels corresponding to the seven chakras of the human body. Each chakra wheel is made up of six spinning magic disks that together form a sort of moving mandala pattern. They go from Crown to Root Chakra, with a notecard explaining in a little more detail what each one symbolizes. Added to this are magic circles around the arms and legs, plus two more simpler disks around the hands.

Filling the set out, each part has my handy dandy color change script. Simply type “/4 magic (colorname)” and the magic circles will all change color. Also as per Dark Eden tradition, the arms and legs are lockmeister.

The Magic Circles set sells for 200L and includes a total of 51 attachments. The set includes 17 attachment points: 7 Chakras from Crown (top of head) to root (naughty bits), 6 arm attachments (upper arm, lower arm, hand) and 4 leg attachments (upper and lower leg). Additionally there are three glow settings. Noglo, as it sounds is 0 glow. Loglo is set to 0.4 glow, and Woahglo is set to 1 glow. Since the pieces are mod, if you don't like these settings you are entirely capable of setting them to whatever you want.

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